Great to see Lunar Apex out with a new track, fantastic remix as always. You can vote for the track in an upcoming content right here.
Great to see Lunar Apex out with a new track, fantastic remix as always. You can vote for the track in an upcoming content right here.
Great little round-up of Freddie Joachim tracks, click play and enjoy the ride!
Really great take on this Ambinate track, if you’re into the chill stuff you won’t be disappointed (I’ll probably be writing to this at my usual 2am time tonight, ha!)
Really crisp stuff from FKJ, this picked up a bit of traction a while back but I didn’t catch it, thought I’d share if you missed it too.
Glad to see another Benny Loco + Ravenna track pop up in my feed (because I’m so awful with email, heh), I encourage you to grab the download and check out all of the artists involved (including Dawn Safari).
Always happy to see a Michal Menert track pop up, loving this newness and I’m wondering how I lived without ‘hairtronica’ in my life before.
Glad to see something new coming from Lunar Apex this week, still some straight funk and I’m happy to share it. Show some love by click-clacking that download button.
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Enjoyable garage track from Rameses B, B-side of a new double release. Go grab it on Beatport if you’re feeling it.
By the beard of Zeus, where can I grab this at? When I know I’ll update the link, for now enjoy a great new release (apart of an EP) from Coyote Kisses. UPDATE: link below for iTunes.
Great remix of the Desert Dwellers track, you always know you’re in for a strange ride with every Eastern Sun track. Show some love if you dig it.