Fresh from his showing in Bonnaroo, this is a studio version of a tracked that PL released as an amazing video on his YouTube channel. Following his unexpected mash-up featuring Radiohead/Nirvana/NIN, this aggressive track comes as another showcase of a new style for Pretty Lights, one that combines the fast paced vibe known for pleasing concert crowds, with enough thought put into the melody that you know it’s another future smash from this talented producer.
Archives For Glitch
Wow, just an absolute monster track from Kraddy’s upcomoing album ‘Anthems For The Hero’, get excited. Some cool news on the subject, Kraddy’s management teams suggested they send over a full copy for me to review before it’s release, which is October 10, so definitely look for that! The review will be sent out early via our electronic music newsletter. Otherwise enjoy this second free download from the album, I hate the word “epic” but it does well to describe this track.
Above is the track “On It” from the album. Preview the whole album on YouTube.
Another great release from an artists on the Pretty Lights Music label, I was able to feature an earlier release of this album before, specifically “Daydream” by Paul Basic.
Not much more I can say about this album other than it has a certain grimey aspect combined with the soulful production you’d expect from any artist on PLM. Go download it now and make sure to show a little love! (Share, donate, whatever you can do)
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Kraddy, a former member of The Glitch Mob, making prominent appearances on track in the Crush Mode Mixtape, is back with a new track called “Black Box”, definitely retaining his signature harsh glitch style and tone. This track is a bit slower than his former offerings in “Android Porn”, but has the same sort of attitude. Offered as a free (direct from TopSpin) download to promote his upcoming album, enjoy!
As you can probably tell by some of my other posts on R/D, notably the Forward Slash Mixtape, and the Wilhelm Scream Remix, I’m a huge fan. This is another mellow track, a great follow up to our previous Minnesota post (which R/D introduced me to by sharing his playlist on Twitter).
This is actually a remix of ‘Music for the Royal Fireworks’ by the famous classical composer ‘Handel’. Serene, tranquil, and an overall great composition, shows the diversity capable in electronic genre, ie, it doesn’t all have to “womp” to be good.
I have posted about Sugarpill before, and the track was well recieved, and he’s definitely gone off and done something different with this one. Unfortunately, we have not been blessed with a free download with this one, but enjoy the full track nontheless, and grab it from Additech if you need to take it with you. Looking forward to some more experimental, glitch “freestyle” music as it were, it’s not as catchy but it’s quite original.
Combining the totally off the wall sound of EPROM with the prowess of veteran glitch artist Boreta was bound to lead to something memorable, and it shows in this remix of “64 Bytes”, which turned out to be a catchy and fun sound that was easily the most ambitious of the “64 Bytes” remixes off of the EP.
I felt like there hasn’t been a true “Glitch” post on this blog for some time, so I was glad when I finally came across Slidecamp. (I know, what took me so long!) A lot of the other glitch music I feature comes from, who else, The Glitch Mob, and most of their non-album tracks are fast paced, such as Beyond Monday. Mellow is the name of the game with this album, although it mixes the sound up with some faster paced elements. I think you’ll appreciate zoning out to this track, not every electronic song has to make you want to move, the music just has to “move you” in some way, and I think Slidecamp shows that.
Simply put, a great mix. Virtual Boy has quite the distinctive sound, really akin to the name, it’s a retro video game vibe mixed with modern electro. This mix has it all and more, a lot of variety, good pacing, and a great sound. Best of all, it is a free mix with a lot of music, over 30 minutes worth. Enjoy!
Another big track from a huge artist in the genre, sampling an even bigger artist in another genre… sounds good already, before you even press play. Luckily the music is as well done as the hype for this song should demand it be. It is a different track to be sure, but if you enjoyed Derek’s interpretation of NIN vs. Nirvana vs. Radiohead, than this track should be right up your alley.