Nice, super chill hip-hop jam coming from Jonah Baseball, who was actually a part of yesterday’s post. A 100% laid back sound all the way through, and that mix-up in the middle of the track… nice. Enjoy and show love.
Nice, super chill hip-hop jam coming from Jonah Baseball, who was actually a part of yesterday’s post. A 100% laid back sound all the way through, and that mix-up in the middle of the track… nice. Enjoy and show love.
Wow, this is that straight funk. Positively divine beat tape by Vanilla, it’s up for free, but if you can float a purchase for the FLAC, you’re ears will thank you. Enjoy and show love!
Vanilla Bandcamp | Buy the FLAC / Download MP3s | Get Free Updates!
Wow, simply put, I love this song. My man Freddie Joachim has been on my “must follow” list for a while, if you still aren’t sold on his great ear for music yet… well, then you are missing out! Enjoy and show that ‘like’ button some love!
Freddie Joachim SoundCloud | Free Download | Get 2 Free Mixtapes!
Definitely a great hip-hop sound with a lot of soul, I had to share this one by FuzzOne/Dr.Brown (who needs to decide on a name) because it’s just too good. Enjoy the warm weather and show that download some love.
FuzzOne SoundCloud | Free Download | Get 2 Free Mixtapes!
You know I love showing off great hip-hop style beats, and this remix of notorious (pun definitely intended) “One More Chance” by Woody definitely fits the bill. Check it out and show a little love.
Definitely a tad late with this one, but folks that haven’t heard it will forgive me, this track is crazy! Super enjoyable and a free download to top it off, definitely show some love for this jewel.
Originally used on an XV track, I’m essentially just posting this as a public service announcement for those unfamiliar with señor Clammy Clams and the “Instrumentals 2” mixtape. I’ll also do you a favor and refrain from making any “Based God” jokes or complain about the fact that Clams lets his great beats get abused by terrible lyricists… or something. Enjoy!
Download *just* ‘Swervin’ only right here.
Clams Casino Facebook | Download “Instrumentals 2” | Get 2 Free Mixtapes!
Got a message from the dude A Poco Lips about a new collab, and boy, I’m glad I read my messages for once. (My SoundCloud inbox is almost as bad as my email :() Definitely a super enjoyable hip-hop vibe, in fact the whole EP is great! Check out the above track “Mouse Eggs” and show some love.
Kyle & Jeff’s BandCamp | Free Download | Get 2 Free Mixtapes!
Bonus: “Bare Naked (Freddie Joachim Remix)” by Slakah The Beatchild | Download
Dem beats… Man, I’ve loving Freddie’s stuff right now, it’s got that classic hip-hop soul and samples to die for. Definitely check out these two tracks and I highly recommend you take a peek at more of his music on SoundCloud, consider this a PSA for good music.
Freddie Joachim SoundCloud | Free Download | Get 2 Free Mixtapes!
The man Chris Hurst is hard at work with some new tracks, following up on his Summer Freebies released recently. I really like how Hurst always manages to mix up his sounds and branch into different genres, and I’m really enjoying the overall vibe of this track. Download and show love.